These notes are pretty close to the chronology of the video
"Historical science" is a term used to describe sciences in which data is provided primarily from past events and for which there is usually no direct experimental data, such as cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics, geology, paleontology and archaeology. Creationists often misuse the term by applying it to any science that "interpret[s] evidence from the past and includes the models of evolution and special creation".[1] "Historical science" covers those sciences which creationists have complaints about, such as evolution and abiogenesis, and which they see as the opposite of operational or experimental science."
Inductive reasoning consists of inferring from the properties of a sample to the properties of a population as a whole.
For example, suppose we have a barrel containing of 1,000 beans. Some of the beans are black and some of the beans are white. Suppose now we take a sample of 100 beans from the barrel and that 50 of them are white and 50 of them are black. Then we could infer inductively that half the beans in the barrel (that is, 500 of them) are black and half are white.
All inductive reasoning depends on the similarity of the sample and the population. The more similar the same is to the population as a whole, the more reliable will be the inductive inference. On the other hand, if the sample is relevantly dissimilar to the population, then the inductive inference will be unreliable.
No inductive inference is perfect. That means that any inductive inference can sometimes fail. Even though the premises are true, the conclusion might be false. Nonetheless, a good inductive inference gives us a reason to believe that the conclusion is probably true."
Stephen's Guide to logical fallacies (Stephen Downes University of Alberta)
Human Historical record
"Civilization, as historians identify it, first emerged between 5,000 and 6,000 years ago when people began to live in organized communities with distinct political, military economic and
social structures. Religious, intellectual, and artistic activities
also assumed important functions in these early societies."
"Although Historians use documents to create their pictures of the
past, such written records do not exist for the prehistory of
humankind. Consequently, the story of early humanity depends on
archaeological and more recently biological information, which
anthropologists use t create theories about our early past. Although
modern science has fostered the development of more precise methods,
much of our understanding of early humans relies upon considerable conjecture."
Comprehensive Volume WORLD HISTORY by William Duiker and Jackson J.
HEBREW Scholar declares genesis intended as historical
Spielvogel "Probably, so far as I know, there is no
professor of Hebrew or Old Testament at any world-class university who
does not believe that the writer(s) of Genesis 1–11 intended to convey
to their readers the ideas that:
"creation took place in a series of six days which were the same as the days of 24 hours we now experience
figures contained in the Genesis genealogies provided by simple
addition a chronology from the beginning of the world up to later stages
in the biblical story
Noah’s flood was understood to be world-wide and extinguish all human and animal life except for those in the ark."James
Barr, Oriel Professor of the interpretation of the Holy Scripture,
Oxford University, England, in a letter to David C.C. Watson, 23 April
"Genesis is peppered with ‘And … and … and … ’ which characterises historical writing (this is technically called the ‘vav—ו, often rendered as waw—consecutive’). ""Because the /wa-/ or /wǝ-/ was naturally interpreted as meaning "and" in
addition to a signal for a different tensal interpretation of the
forms, the waw-consecutive forms tended to be used in narrative,
particularly in continuing rather than starting a story—precisely the
places where the use of "and" would make sense."
mineral has enough water for the flood
"Is there enough water for a World Wide
Flood? Yes there is. In the past few years using seismic tools. They
have found that a mineral called ” wadsleyite” holds 2% water by weight.
That may not sound like much until you realize how much wadsleyite
exists in the upper mantle of the earth. Figures show that 2% would work
out to be somewhere around 30 oceans worth added to the water that we
already know exists. And this has been tested in more than one place by
more than one scientist which makes the results observable and
repeatable which is empirical evidence. Which means evolutionists can no
longer deny the possibility that a flood of this magnitude could
Mars does not have the water but scientists have no problem believing it was once there!
| "Evidence
for Global-Scale Northern Mid-Latitude Glaciation in the Amazonian
Period of Mars: Debris-covered Glacier and Valley Glacier Deposits in
the 30°-50° N Latitude Band" |
Evidence of subterranean water
"This new study, authored by a
range of geophysicists and scientists from across the US, leverages data
from the USArray — an array of hundreds of seismographs located
throughout the US that are constantly listening to movements in the
Earth’s mantle and core. After listening for a few years, and carrying
out lots of complex calculations, the researchers believe that they’ve
found a huge reserve of water that’s located in the transition zone between the upper and lower mantle — a region that occupies between 400 and 660 kilometers (250-410 miles) below our feet."
hydrogen-isotope [deuterium/hydrogen (D/H)] ratio of Earth can be used
to constrain the origin of its water. However, the most accessible
reservoir, Earth’s oceans, may no longer represent the original
(primordial) D/H ratio, owing to changes caused by water cycling between
the surface and the interior. Thus, a reservoir completely isolated
from surface processes is required to define Earth’s original D/H
signature. Here we present data for Baffin Island and Icelandic lavas,
which suggest that the deep mantle has a low D/H ratio (δD more negative
than -218 per mil). Such strongly negative values indicate the
existence of a component within Earth’s interior that inherited its D/H
ratio directly from the protosolar nebula. (emphasis added)"
Hallis, L.J., et al., Evidence for primordial water in Earth’s deep mantle, Science 350(6262): 795-797, November 13, 2015.
ARK design is scientifically sea worthy and feasible
"In the ship classification rules, a ship should satisfy two kinds of stability criteria:
GM for small heel angle, and dynamic stability. We applied the ABS (American Bureau
of Shipping)’s rule to all 13 hull forms. The results showed that all hull
forms except hull #1 sufficiently satisfied all the requirements. It should be especially
noted that the Ark was 13 times more stable than the standard for safety required
by the ABS rule."
World wide flood legends
"According to Dr. Duane Gish in his popular
book Dinosaurs by Design,
there are more than 270 such stories, most of which share a common
theme and similar characters. So many flood stories with such
similarities surely come from the Flood of Noah’s day."
"There are over 600 Global Flood Legends from every continent."
Geologic colum is chaotic and mixed up
"Whatever the method or approach, the geologist must take cognizance of the following facts... There is no place on earth where a complete record of the rocks is present.... To reconstruct the history of the earth, scattered bits of information from thousands of locations all over the world must be placed together. The results will be at best only a very incomplete record. If the complete history of the earth is compared to an encyclopedia of 30 volumes, then we can seldom hope to find even one comeplete volume in a given area. Sometimes only a few chapters, perhaps only a paragraph or two, will be the total geological contribution of a region; indeed, we are often reduced to studying scattering bits of information more nearly comparable to a few words of letters." Brown Monnet and Stovel Introduction to Geology
If we do not accept the hypothesis of spontaneous
generation, then at this one point of the history of development
we must have recourse to the miracle of a supernatural
creation. The Creator must have created the first
organism, or a few first organisms, from which all others are
The History of Creation, Vol. I (of 2), by Ernst Haeckel Ch. 13
Ernst Haekyls evolution prediction falsified
"The likelihood of the formation of life from inanimate matter is one to
a number with forty thousand naughts after it. It is enough to bury
Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup,
neither on this planet nor any other, and if the beginnings of life were
not random they must therefore have been "from 1980 on NASA scientist have shown that the primitive earth never had any methane, ammonia or hydrogen to amount to anything." he said "Instead, it was composed of water, carbon dioxide and nitrogen---and you absolutely cannot get the same experimental results with that mixture. It just won't work. More recent experiments have confirmed this to be the case."Walter L. Bradley
"The likelihood of the formation of life from inanimate matter is one to
a number with forty thousand naughts after it. It is enough to bury
Darwin and the whole theory of evolution. There was no primeval soup,
neither on this planet nor any other, and if the beginnings of life were
not random they must therefore have been the product of purposeful
intelligence." Nature, vol. 294:105, November 12, 1981.
Bacteria is most ancient"The Archean era, which records the first billion years of Earth’s geologic history, ended 2.5 billion years ago. It was at this point that the earth’s biosphere must have changed and the atmospheric temperature reached 72 degrees Celsius. This is the maximum temperature at which photosynthesis can take place. Near the end of this era, about 2.7 to 2.9 billion years ago, according to Blank, stromatolites, organisms of the group Bacteria that use photosynthesis to create energy without producing oxygen, first appeared."
to searchBacteria remains after all generations
The 12 E. coli LTEE populations on June 25, 2008.[1]
The E. coli long-term evolution experiment (LTEE) is an ongoing study in experimental evolution led by Richard Lenski that has been tracking genetic changes in 12 initially identical populations of asexual Escherichia coli bacteria since 24 February 1988.[2] The populations reached the milestone of 50,000 generations in February 2010 and 66,000 in November 2016.[3] Lenski performed the 10,000th transfer of the experiment on March 13, 2017.[4]
Over the course of the experiment, Lenski and his colleagues have reported a wide array of phenotypic and genotypic changes in the evolving populations. These have included changes that have occurred in all 12 populations and others that have only appeared in one or a few populations. For example, all 12 populations showed a similar pattern of rapid improvement in fitness that decelerated over time, faster growth rates, and increased cell size. Half of the populations have evolved defects in DNA repair that have caused mutator phenotypes marked by elevated mutation rates. The most striking adaptation reported so far is the evolution of aerobic growth on citrate, which is unusual in E. coli, in one population at some point between generations 31,000 and 31,500.["
Little acknowledged is that after all these generaqtions there is no shift from one kind to another, it is still just bacteria!
Rate of sea salt in the Oceans)
"In 1899, John Joly estimated (on the basis of measurements) the
amount of Na+ coming in each year, a result which is still regarded as
extraordinarily accurate. He used it to estimate the age of the earth,
as follows.
If the oceans began with fresh water, and the average
inflow was basically unchanged, they would have reached their present
salt level in 80-90 million years. Many scientists accepted this as the
age of the earth. Notice, of course, that if marine creatures were
created as Genesis teaches, the sea would already have to have had salt
in it. Joly’s results can therefore fit a young-age creation model, but
seem to give an age far too young for evolutionists.
Creationists have used such methods to support recent creation. Some other substances give much shorter times.
age of the earth using Na+ began to contradict evolutionary timespans
of billions of years. His ‘age’ for the earth came to be regarded as
‘spuriously low’. It was therefore believed that somehow salt must leave
the ocean as quickly as it enters it. In other words, the sea must have
reached such a ‘steady state’ a very long time ago."
" A major research paper by two scientists from the Institute for
Creation Research shows this steady state belief to be plainly false.
Geologist Dr. Steve Austin and physicist Dr. D. Russell Humphreys
presented their joint paper in August 1990 to an international
creationist conference.2
it, they carefully assessed and inventoried all known and conjectured
processes by which salt (Na+) is entering the sea, and all by which it
could possibly be leaving it, such as sea spray, burial of pore water,
and alteration of basalt."
"The results overwhelmingly show that the ‘steady state’ belief is
mythical. The sea salt shows a massive imbalance, even using assumptions
which are very generous for the long-age model. Of the amount pouring
in each year, only 27 per cent (not 100 per cent, as evolutionary belief
insists) is removed. Even if we allow the sea to have started
as fresh water, this gives a maximum age of 62 million years, not the
3,000 million years or more that evolution requires. So where is all the
salt with which the sea should be choked by now?
Geologists once
said that the missing salt could be accounted for as rock salt (halite)
buried in the geologic strata record. A world-wide inventory of rock
salt has shown this ‘sink’ to be insufficient for the ocean’s missing
sodium. The sea is not salty enough for evolutionary taste.
results fit very comfortably with a recent age for all things,
including a sea created salty to begin with. Unless a way can be found
to somehow explain the sea’s missing salt, this evidence speaks strongly
against the evolutionary belief system, and is instead strongly
supportive of biblical creation."
S.A. Austin, D.R. Humphreys, ‘The Sea’s Missing Salt: A Dilemma for Evolutionists’, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Creationism,
Pittsburgh PA, August, 1990, Vol. 2, p. 17-33. (Available from Creation
Science Fellowship, 362 Ashland Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
15228, USA.)
Assuming the uniformitarian model abiogenesis would start roughly 3 billion years ago inside a solid rock of salt!!
Missing antimatter
"The big bang model assumes that the universe is many billions of years old. While this timescale is sufficient for light to travel from distant galaxies to earth, it does not provide enough time for light to travel from one side of the visible universe to the other. At the time the light was emitted, supposedly 300,000 years after the big bang, space already had a uniform temperature over a range at least ten times larger than the distance that light could have travelled (called the ‘horizon’)11 So, how can these regions look the same, i.e. have the same temperature? How can one side of the visible universe ‘know’ about the other side if there has not been enough time for the information to be exchanged? This is called the ‘horizon problem’.", P. and Lucchin, F., Cosmology: The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, p. 136, 1996
Lightman, A., Ancient Light, Harvard University Press, London, p. 58, 1991."Who's hidden all the antimatter?
Why is there a matter universe?
Our best theories for the origin of the Universe estimate it began 13.7 billion years ago as an infinitely hot and infinitely dense ball of energy. In those first instants of time, the universe expanded and cooled. All the particles we observe today, and the interactions between them, condensed into existence in those early seconds and minutes.
A view along a section of the 27km long LHC tunnel and collider If this Big Bang theory is right, antimatter and matter should have been created in equal amounts. Each matter particle should have an antiparticle. This poses an obvious problem, as matter and antimatter annihilate on contact, so you'd expect the universe to just be energy. Or equal parts matter and antimatter, not touching. But it isn't. Somehow, some tiny asymmetry between matter and antimatter allowed matter to get the upper hand, leading to the matter universe we're in.
Getting to the bottom of this mystery is a deep problem in physics. It just doesn't add up, which usually means we've made a wrong turn somewhere - but where?"
Large hadron Collider">>© 2013 Science and Technology Facilities Council - All Rights Reserved
too few super novas" According to their model, the SNR should reach a diameter of about 300 light years3
after 120,000 years. So if our galaxy was billions of years old, we
should be able to observe many SNRs this size. But if our galaxy is
6,000–10,000 years old, no SNRs would have had time to reach this size.
So the number of observed SNRs of a particular size is an excellent test
of whether the galaxy is old or young. In fact, the results are
consistent with a universe thousands of years old, but are a puzzle if
the universe has existed for billions of years. The conclusions can be
seen from the simple table shown below:
Remnant Stage | Number of observable SNRs predicted if our galaxy were… | Number of SNRs actually observed |
… billions of years old | … 7000 years old |
First |
2 |
2 |
5 |
Second |
2260 |
125 |
200 |
Third |
5000 |
0 |
0 |
As can be readily seen above, a young universe model fits the data of
the low number of observed SNRs. If the universe was really billions of
years old, there are 7000 missing SNRs in our galaxy." dr. Jonathon Sarfati
red shift issues
"If the cause of these redshifts is misunderstood, then distances
can be wrong by factors of 10 to 100, and luminosities and masses will
be wrong by factors up to 10,000. We would have a totally erroneous picture
of extragalactic space, and be faced with one of the most embarrassing
boondoggles of our intellectual history." Halton Arp(famous Astronomer)
"You don’t see a universe that is blurred. If you take any Hubble Space
Telescope Deep Field image you see sharp images, which is enough to tell
us that the light has not been distorted or perturbed by fluctuations
in space-time from the source to the observer. (Robert Roy Britt,, April 2, 2003 interviewing Roberto Ragazzoni concerning the
article “The Lack of Observational Evidence for the Quantum Structure of Space time at Planck Scales,” The Astrophysical Journal, April 10, 2003,
co-authored by Massimo Turatto and Wolfgang Gaessler).
axis of evil tears down Copernican principle
"The "Axis of Evil" is a name given to an anomaly in astronomical observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). The anomaly appears to give the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance – a result which runs counter to expectations from the Copernican principle."But when you look at CMB map, you also see that the structure that is observed, is in fact, in a weird way, correlated with the plane of the earth around the sun. Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us? That's crazy. We're looking out at the whole universe. There's no way there should be a correlation of structure with our motion of the earth around the sun – the plane of the earth around the sun – the ecliptic. That would say we are truly the center of the universe." Lawrence Krauss
"The Energy of Empty Space That Isn't Zero". 2006-05-07. Retrieved 2018-08-05.
lack of moon dust

Actually revealing evidence was hidden away concerning the moon dust argument
"The annoying particles even prompted a scientific experiment to figure out how fast they collect, but NASA’s data got lost.
Or, so NASA thought. Now, more than 40 years later, scientists have used the rediscovered data to make the first determination of how fast lunar dust accumulates. It builds up unbelievably slowly by the standards of any Earth-bound housekeeper, their calculations show – just fast enough to form a layer about a millimeter (0.04 inches) thick every 1,000 years. Yet, that rate is 10 times previous estimates. It’s also more than speedy enough to pose a serious problem for the solar cells that serve as critical power sources for space exploration missions."
" In his experiment, dust collected on small solar cells attached to a matchbox-sized case over the course of six years, throughout three Apollo missions. As the granules blocked light from coming in, the voltage the solar cells produced dropped. The electrical measurements indicated that each year 100 micrograms of lunar dust collected per square centimeter. At that rate, a basketball court on the Moon would collect roughly 450 grams (1 pound) of lunar dust annually."
At this rate one must again be suspicious that with a 4.6 billion year moon there should then be hundreds of feet of lunar dust instead of 2 cm which meets a young earth scale.
Some physicist argued that the machine could have been attracting too much dust electromagnetically.
"It’s possible that an electrical field forms at the terminator line—where sunlight meets shadow—that could knock dust particles aloft. Mihály Horányi, a physicist at the University of Colorado, in Boulder, has demonstrated that moon dust can indeed respond to such electric fields. But he suspects that the mechanism isn’t strong enough to create and sustain the mysterious, glowing clouds."
So they predicted the dust and failed. The measured the dust and it gave us a young earth answer and even the secular physicist are in doubt of their best fudge factor explanations... IT POINTS TO A YOUNG EARTH!
The orbit of Pluto is chaotic on a 20 million year time scale and
affects the rest of the solar system, which would also become unstable
on that time scale, suggesting that it must be much younger. (See:
Rothman, T., God takes a nap, Scientific American 259(4):20, 1988).
The skeleton of the ‘Guadeloupe Woman’ is a well-authenticated
discovery which has been kept the British Museum for over half a
century. In 1812, on the coast of the French Caribbean island of
Guadeloupe, a fully human skeleton was found, missing the feet and head.
It belonged to a woman about 5 foot 2 inches tall.
What makes it of great significance is the
fact that this skeleton was found inside extremely hard, very old
limestone, which was part of a formation more than a mile [1.609 km] in
length! Modern geological dating places this formation at 28 million
years old—which is 25 million years before modern man is supposed to
have first appeared on earth!
Since such a date for a regular person does not fit evolutionary
theory, you will not find “Guadeloupe Woman” mentioned in the Hominid
textbooks. To do so would be to disprove evolutionary dating of rock
The case of Miocene Man, Howgate and Lewis, New Scientist 29 March 1984 pp. 44-45
Paluxy river bed Dinosaur tracks with human footprints
and and read....
Mark Armitage showing soft tissue of a triceratops horn
pics of Mt St Heens column
Polonium Halos in granite
"Etched within Earth's foundation rocks — the granites — are beautiful microspheres of coloration, halos,
produced by the radioactive decay of primordial polonium, which is known to have only a fleeting existence.
The following simple analogy will show how these polonium microspheres — or halos — contradict the
evolutionary belief that granites formed as hot magma slowly cooled over millions of years. To the
contrary, this analogy demonstrates how these halos provide unambiguous evidence of both an almost
instantaneous creation of granites and the young age of the earth.
A speck of polonium in molten rock can be compared to an Alka-Seltzer dropped into a glass of water.
The beginning of effervescence is equated to the moment that polonium atoms began to emit radiactive
particles. In molten rock the traces of those radioactive particles would disappear as quickly
as the Alka-Seltzer bubbles in water. But if the water were instantly frozen, the bubbles would be
preserved. Likewise, polonium halos could have formed only if the rapidly "effervescing" specks of
polonium had been instantly encased in solid rock.
An exceedingly large number of polonium halos are embedded in granites around the world. Just as
frozen Alka-Seltzer bubbles would be clear evidence of the quick-freezing of the water, so are these
many polonium halos undeniable evidence that a sea of primordial matter quickly "froze" into solid
granite. The occurrence of these polonium halos, then, distinctly implies that our earth was formed in
a very short time, in complete harmony with the biblical record of creation."
Dr. Robert Gentry has about a dozen peer reviewed articles in secular science journals discussing this phenomena. He has an amazing story available on the website and documented in His book Creation's tiny mystery.
Some creationist have debated Dr. Gentry's hypothesis that the granite is necessarily the original rocks of creation. My speculation based upon my NYC Cosmology would be that a gamma ray burster conducted into the earth radiating the earth's subterranean waters and cooked the granite and and lead igniting the polnium halos and other isotopes.
"Air is mainly nitrogen (78.1%) and oxygen (20.1%). There is much less
helium (0.0005%). But this is still a lot of helium—3.71 billion
tonnes. However, since 67 grams of helium escape from the earth’s crust
into the atmosphere every second, it would have taken about two
million years for the current amount of helium to build up, even if
there had been none at the beginning. Evolutionists believe the earth is
over 2,500 times older—4.5 billion years. Of course, the earth could
have been created with most of the helium already there, so two million
years is a maximum age. (It could easily be much younger, such as 6,000 years in age.)
the rate of helium buildup would be slower now than in the past,
because the radioactive sources have decayed. This would put an even
lower upper limit on the age of the earth." Earth's Electromagnetic poles
"In the 1970s, the creationist physics professor Dr Thomas Barnes noted that measurements
since 1835 have shown that the field is decaying at 5% per century1 (also, archaeological measurements show that the
field was 40% stronger in AD 1000 than today2).
Barnes, the author of a well-regarded electromagnetism textbook,3 proposed that the earth’s magnetic field was
caused by a decaying electric current in the earth’s metallic core
(see side note). Barnes calculated that the current could
not have been decaying for more than 10,000 years, or else its original strength
would have been large enough to melt the earth. So the earth must be younger than
" The decaying current model is obviously incompatible with the billions of years
needed by evolutionists. So their preferred model is a self-sustaining dynamo
(electric generator). The earth’s rotation and convection is supposed to circulate
the molten nickel/iron of the outer core. Positive and negative charges in this
liquid metal are supposed to circulate unevenly, producing an electric current,
thus generating the magnetic field. But scientists have not produced a workable
model despite half a century of research, and there are many problems.4"
- Life would periodically be exposed to deadly solar radiation.
- It cannot explain the lack of a planetary magnetic field on Mars.
Mars' rotation is similar to Earth's, so it should have a similar
magnetic field.
- It cannot explain the existence of the magnetic field of Mercury. It
rotates too slowly to have a self sustaining dynamo and so it should
not have a magnetic field.
- It cannot explain the orientation of the magnetic fields of, Uranus
and Neptune. The magnetic axis of each planet is tilted about 60
degrees, with respect to the rotation axis, so that the magnetic poles
are near the equator. Furthermore the source of each planet's field is
offset from the center, by about one third of a planetary radius.
According to the dynamo theory, the magnetic and rotation axes should
nearly always be closely aligned, except for a very relatively short
time during a field reversal. When Voyager 2 passed Uranus, the pundits
explained that the planet is in the act of flipping. However, Neptune's
magnetic tilt made this highly unlikely, since the odds of two reversals
occurring at the same time is too small to explain both fields.
- It cannot explain how planetary magnetic fields get started. It
would need a strong enough external magnetic field and no such field
exists, nor is there any theoretical basis for such a field.
This makes an advanced age impossible.
moon is receding
Friction by the tides is slowing the earth’s rotation, so the length of a day is increasing by 0.002 seconds per century. This means that the earth is losing angular momentum.7 The Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum says that the angular momentum the earth loses must be gained by the moon. Thus the moon is slowly receding from Earth at about 4 cm (1½ inches) per year, and the rate would have been greater in the past. The moon could never have been closer than 18,400 km (11,500 miles), known as the Roche Limit, because Earth’s tidal forces (i.e., the result of different gravitational forces on different parts of the moon) would have shattered it. But even if the moon had started receding from being in contact with the earth, it would have taken only 1.37 billion years to reach its present distance.8 NB: this is the maximum possible age—far too young for evolution (and much younger than the radiometric ‘dates’ assigned to moon rocks)—not the actual age."
Job 26:
7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place,
and hangeth the earth upon nothing."
2 Peter 3: 3 knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts, 4 and saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation. 5 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: 6 whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: 7 but the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men."
The minimal facts of the resurrction"After a
survey of contemporary scholarly opinions regarding the more general
issue of Jesus’ christology, Raymond Brown argues that the most popular
view is that of moderate conservatism.[2] It might be said, with
qualification, that similar trends are exhibited in an analysis of the
more specific area of recent scholarly positions on Jesus’ resurrection.
When viewed as a whole, the general consensus is to recognize perhaps a
surprising amount of historical data as reported in the New Testament
accounts. In particular, Paul’s epistles, especially 1 Corinthians
15:1-20, along with other early creedal traditions, are frequently taken
almost at face value.
For the
purposes of this essay, I will define moderate conservative approaches
to the resurrection as those holding that Jesus was actually raised from
the dead in some manner, either bodily (and thus extended in space and
time), or as some sort of spiritual body (though often undefined). In
other words, if what occurred can be described as having happened to
Jesus rather than only to his followers, this range of views will be
juxtaposed with those more skeptical positions that nothing actually
happened to Jesus and can only be described as a personal experience of
the disciples. Of course, major differences can be noted within and
between these views."[2]. Raymond Brown, An Introduction to New Testament Christology (New York: Paulist, 1994), 4-15, 102.
"First, after
a hiatus since their heyday in the Nineteenth and early Twentieth
Centuries, recent trends indicate a limited surge of naturalistic
explanations to the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection. Almost a dozen
different alternative theses have emerged, either argued or suggested by
more than forty different scholars, with some critics endorsing more
than one theory. In place of the resurrection, both internal states of
mind (such as subjective visions or hallucinations[36]) as well as
objective phenomena (like illusions[37]) have been proposed.[38] The
vast majority of scholars, however, still reject such proposals.
A second
research area concerns those scholars who address the subject of the
empty tomb. It has been said that the majority of contemporary
researchers accepts the historicity of this event.[39] But is there any
way to be more specific? From the study mentioned above, I have
compiled 23 arguments for the empty tomb and 14 considerations against
it, as cited by recent critical scholars. Generally, the listings are
what might be expected, dividing along theological “party lines.” To be
sure, such a large number of arguments, both pro and con, includes very
specific differentiation, including some overlap."[37] Goulder also raises this question.
[38] I have categorized these natural hypotheses, naming two
alternative proposals (the illumination and illusion options) that have
so far eluded any recognized designations. For details see Habermas,
“The Late Twentieth-Century Resurgence of Naturalistic Responses to
Jesus’ Resurrection,” 179-196.
[39] For example, Craig, Assessing the New Testament Evidence ,
373-374; cf. Kremer, Die Osterevangelien--Geschichten um Geschichte,
Humanism is a philosophical, religious, and moral point of view as old as human civilization itself." preface to humanist manifestos I and II 1979 prometheus books
Darwin discussed Evolution with a religious note
"These facts seemed to me to throw some light on the origin of
species-that mystery of mysteries, as it has been called by one of our
greatest philosophers." Intro. pg1
When we here of mystery we are to look into the realm of religion.
"This is the doctrine of Malthus applied to the whole animal and
vegatable kingdoms. As many more individuals of each species are born
that can possibly survive; and as, consequently, there is a frequently
recurring struggle for existence, it follows that any being, if it vary
however slightly in any manner profitable to itself, under the complex
and sometimes varying conditions of life will have a better chance of
surviving, and thus be naturally selected." pg.6 Origin of species
Humanists have been quite open about their agenda to use the public school system to proselytize their faith, which breaks the establishment clause.
"I am convince that the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive as the proselytizers of a new faith: a religion of humanity that recognizes and respects the spark of what theologians call the divinity in every human being. These teachers must embody the same selfless dedication as the most rabid fundamentalist preachers, for they will be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the education level- preschool day care or large state university. The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all it's adjacent evils and misery and the new faith of humanism...
"It will undoubtedly be a long, arduous, painful struggle replete with much sorrow and many tears, but humanism will emerge triumphant. It must if the family of humankind is to survive."Dunphy, John J., The Humanist, Jan. 1983, p. 26
The hindu big bang cosmic egg!"Rigveda (10.121) also mentions the Hiranyagarbha (literally, golden embryo/womb/egg) that existed before the creation. This metaphor has been interpreted differently by the various later texts. The Samkhya texts state that Purusha and the Prakriti made the embryo, from which the world emerged. In another tradition, the creator god Brahma emerged from the egg and created the world, while in yet another tradition the Brahma himself is the Hiranyagarbha.[19]"
" Lemaître also proposed what became known as the Big Bang theory of the origin of the Universe, which he called his "hypothesis of the primeval atom" or the "Cosmic Egg"."
" Hindu creationists claim that species of plants and animals are material forms adopted by pure consciousness which live an endless cycle of births and rebirths.[9] Ronald Numbers
says that: "Hindu Creationists have insisted on the antiquity of
humans, who they believe appeared fully formed as long, perhaps, as
trillions of years ago."[10] Hindu creationism is a form of old earth creationism. According to Hindu creationists the universe may even be older than billions of years. These views are based on the Vedas which depict an extreme antiquity of the universe and history of the earth.[11][12]"
"Michael Richardson, a lecturer and embryologist at St George’s Hospital Medical School, London, has exposed this further fraud, in an article in the journal Anatomy and Embryology,8 recently reviewed in Science9 and New Scientist.
Richardson says he always felt there was something wrong with Haeckel’s drawings, ‘because they didn’t square with his [Richardson’s] understanding of the rates at which fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals develop their distinctive features’.8 He could find no record of anyone having actually compared embryos of one species with those of another, so that ‘no one has cited any comparative data in support of the idea’.8
He therefore assembled an international team to do just that—examine and photograph ‘the external form of embryos from a wide range of vertebrate species, at a stage comparable to that depicted by Haeckel’.8
The team collected embryos of 39 different creatures, including marsupials from Australia, tree-frogs from Puerto Rico, snakes from France, and an alligator embryo from England. They found that the embryos of different species are very different. In fact, they are so different that the drawings made by Haeckel (of similar-looking human, rabbit, salamander, fish, chicken, etc. embryos) could not possibly have been done from real specimens.
Nigel Hawkes interviewed Richardson for The Times (London).11 In an article describing Haeckel as ‘An embryonic liar’, he quotes Richardson:
‘This is one of the worst cases of scientific fraud. It’s shocking to find that somebody one thought was a great scientist was deliberately misleading. It makes me angry … What he [Haeckel] did was to take a human embryo and copy it, pretending that the salamander and the pig and all the others looked the same at the same stage of development. They don’t … These are fakes.’ 11"Fraud rediscovered:
It has long been known that one of the most effective popularizers of evolution fudged some drawings, but only now has the breathtaking extent of his deceit been revealed.
by Russell Grigg
Air From Dinosaurs' Age Suggests Dramatic ChangeBy JAMES GLEICK, Special to the New York TimesPublished: October 29, 1987
Tiny bubbles trapped in amber for 80 million years have given scientists their first direct look at the earth's atmosphere in the time of the dinosaurs, a mix of gases that appears dramatically different from the air we breathe today.
A preliminary analysis suggests that the ancient atmosphere may have been 50 percent richer in the oxygen that sustains the animal life of the planet. That finding, to be presented here Thursday at the annual meeting of the Geological Society of America, is sure to astonish experts on global climate and the evolution of life. They had assumed that the air then differed little from today's.
Until now, the oldest known samples of air were far younger, the product of a 160,000-year-old core of polar ice that was painstakingly drawn over the last five years from its resting place a mile below the Antarctic surface. But by crushing bits of amber and analyzing the faint breath of gas that escapes, researchers appear to have opened an unexpected new window onto the history of the atmosphere and the creatures it nourished. Seeking Detailed PictureAs the technique is refined, the researchers, Robert A. Berner of Yale University and Gary P. Landis of the United States Geological Survey in Denver, hope through the study of other amber samples to assemble a detailed picture going back even farther. Microscopic air bubbles are not unusual in amber, the resin from pine trees that has hardened into yellowish translucent lumps. Some amber has been preserved for 200 million to 300 million years.
''It's very exciting,'' said James C. G. Walker of the University of Michigan, an authority on the development of the earth's atmosphere and oceans. ''I think it's a tremendously promising technique.''
The researchers emphasize that their analysis is still tentative, particularly the surprising discovery of excess oxygen. But they believe that they have ruled out every possible alternative and that the amber bubbles reflect the composition of ancient air, folded into resin that oozed from the coniferous trees of the Cretaceous era.
Oxygen now makes up 21 percent of the atmosphere; the rest is mainly nitrogen, with a fraction of a percent of carbon dioxide and traces of many other gases. The Cretaceous amber, found in northern Manitoba, suggests an oxygen content as high as 32 percent. The rest is mainly nitrogen, as in the atmosphere today. Changing Thought on Extinctions
If confirmed, the discovery of an oxygen-rich atmosphere in the planet's past would intrude on the debate over a wide range of problems, from the history of climate change to the rise and extinction of species.
''No one's ever thought about the possibility that oxygen could change so dramatically,'' Dr. Berner said. ''Some people won't be happy about that high a number.''
Extra oxygen would have been a great boon to animals trying to develop more efficient versions of the energy-generating chemistry of life. A given species might have been able to get by with smaller lungs, for example, and similar economies might have benefited organisms in many other ways.
A decline in oxygen content, on the other hand, would surely have affected species accustomed to a richer atmosphere. Some scientists speculated today that paleontologists studying the history of evolution may be tempted to look to the new research as a possible influence on the mass extinctions, including that of the dinosaur, that closed the Cretaceous era.
The primordial earth, before the origin of life, had an atmosphere with no oxygen at all. It took billions of years for early organisms to free the oxygen that was bound to iron oxide and other minerals in the planet's surface."
"The truth is we do not understand star formation at a fundamental level." Abraham Loeb Harvard's Center for Astro physics
"But in the absence of direct observation of a star’s actual formation, astronomers must rely on theoretical physics, which blend observable processes with assumptions. Physicist Donald DeYoung explained in 1996, “Given unlimited time, might a star naturally form in space? Theoretically, the answer is a qualified ‘yes.’”2 However, the qualifications are so stringent that stars ought to be rare in the universe, and the first star should never have formed.
"Repulsion between gas particles—especially when they are hot—is much greater at close range than the attraction between them due to gravity. So, a tremendous outside force is required to compress the gas particles, overcoming their thermal repulsion, in order for them to form a star."
"Does a Distant Galaxy Show Star Formation?" by Brian Thomas, M.S.">
"nevertheless, such a conclusion, even if well founded, would be unsatisfactory, until it could be shown how the innumerable species inhabiting this world have been modified, so as to acquire that perfection of structure and co adaptation which most justly excites our admiration." pg.4 Charles Darwin Origin of species
Irreducible complexity
"‘What type of biological system could not be formed by “numerous, successive, slight modifications”? Well, for starters, a system that is irreducibly complex. By irreducibly complex, I mean a single system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning. An irreducibly complex system cannot be produced directly (that is, by continuously improving the initial function, which continues to work by the same mechanism) by slight, successive modifications of a precursor system, because any precursor to an irreducibly complex system that is missing a part is by definition non-functional’ [italics in original]."Behe, M.J., Darwin’s Black Box, Free Press, New York, p. 39, 1996.
How natural selection can drive the evolution of complex molecular systems – those in which the function of each part depends on its interactions with the other parts--has been an unsolved issue in evolutionary biology. Advocates of Intelligent Design argue that such systems are "irreducibly complex" and thus incompatible with gradual evolution by natural selection.
Read more at:
How natural selection can drive the evolution of complex molecular systems – those in which the function of each part depends on its interactions with the other parts--has been an unsolved issue in evolutionary biology. Advocates of Intelligent Design argue that such systems are "irreducibly complex" and thus incompatible with gradual evolution by natural selection.
Read more at:
How natural selection can drive the evolution of complex molecular systems – those in which the function of each part depends on its interactions with the other parts--has been an unsolved issue in evolutionary biology. Advocates of Intelligent Design argue that such systems are "irreducibly complex" and thus incompatible with gradual evolution by natural selection.
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diggin up bones
"...Intermediate links? Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic change, and this is perhaps the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory." On the imperfection of the geologic record Charles Darwin
"We find mammals in almost all of our (dinosaur dig ) sites . These were not noticed years ago . We have about 20,000 pounds bentonite clay that has mammal fossils that we are trying to give away to some researcher . It's not that they are not important , it's just that you only live once and I specialized in something other than mammals . I specialize in reptiles and dinosaurs ."
Interview with Dr Donald Burge, curator of vertebrate paleontology, College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum by Dr Carl Werner, 13 February 2001, in Living Fossils—Evolution: The Grand Experiment, Vol. 2, New Leaf Press, 2009, p. 173
neurology: the binding problem as proof of an immaterial mind
The speed of light slows down./
March 12, 2010, 1:41 PM
Has Speed Of Light Slowed Down?
A team of Australian scientists has proposed that the speed of light may not be a constant, a revolutionary idea that could unseat one of the most cherished laws of modern physics -- Einstein's theory of relativity.The team, led by theoretical physicist Paul Davies of Sydney's Macquarie University, say it is possible that the speed of light has slowed over billions of years. If so, physicists will have to rethink many of their basic ideas about the laws of the universe."That means giving up the theory of relativity and E=mc squared and all that sort of stuff," Davies told Reuters. "But of course it doesn't mean we just throw the books in the bin, because it's in the nature of scientific revolution that the old theories become incorporated in the new ones." Davies, and astrophysicists Tamara Davis and Charles Lineweaver from the University of New South Wales published the proposal in the Aug. 8 edition of scientific journal Nature.The suggestion that the speed of light can change is based on data collected by UNSW astronomer John Webb, who posed a conundrum when he found that light from a distant quasar, a star-like object, had absorbed the wrong type of photons from interstellar clouds on its 12 billion year journey to earth. Davies said fundamentally Webb's observations meant that the structure of atoms emitting quasar light was slightly but ever so significantly different to the structure of atoms in humans. The discrepancy could only be explained if either the electron charge, or the speed of light, had changed."But two of the cherished laws of the universe are the law that electron charge shall not change and that the speed of light shall not change, so whichever way you look at it we're in trouble," Davies said. To establish which of the two constants might not be that constant after all, Davies' team resorted to the study of black holes, mysterious astronomical bodies that suck in stars and other galactic features.They also applied another dogma of physics, the second law of of thermodynamics, which Davies summarises as "you can't get something for nothing." After considering that a change in the electron charge over time would violate the sacrosanct second law of thermodynamics, they concluded that the only option was to challenge the constancy of the speed of light. More study of quasar light is needed in order to validate Webb's observations, and to back up the proposal that light speed may vary, a theory Davies stresses represents only the first chink in the armour of the theory of relativity. In the meantime, the implications are as unclear as the unexplored depths of the universe themselves."When one of the cornerstones of physics collapses, it's not obvious what you hang onto and what you discard," Davies said."If what we're seeing is the beginnings of a paradigm shift in physics like what happened 100 years ago with the theory of relativity and quantum theory, it is very hard to know what sort of reasoning to bring to bear." It could be that the possible change in light speed will only matter in the study of the large scale structure of the universe, its origins and evolution.For example, varying light speed could explain why two distant and causally unconnected parts of the universe can be so similar even if, according to conventional thought, there has not been enough time for light or other forces to pass between them. It may only matter when scientists are studying effects over billions of years or billions of light years. Or there may be startling implications that could change not only the way cosmologists view the universe but also its potential for human exploitation."For example there's a cherished law that says nothing can go faster than light and that follows from the theory of relativity," Davies said. The accepted speed of light is 300,000 km (186,300 miles) per second."Maybe it's possible to get around that restriction, in which case it would enthrall Star Trek fans because at the moment even at the speed of light it would take 100,000 years to cross the galaxy. It's a bit of a bore really and if the speed of light limit could go, then who knows? All bets are off," Davies said.REUTERS