Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Point of clarification

I had the honor of recieving an e-mail by Abraham Piper of Desiring God Ministries.
I believer Araham is not only a member of this ministry, but if I recall correctly he is Jon Piper's Father.
Piper wanted it to be clear that his son was a "teetotaler" and pointed to a sermon from 1981 at Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Basically his position is as such.
1. Jon Piper personally practices abstinence
2. Jon Piper argues that other Christians should practices abstinence
3. Jon Piper only argue that abstinence should not be a basis for church membership.

Now I was writing based on a different work of Dr. Piper's an article in the book "Brothers we are not professionals"
I still have disagreements with doctor Piper both in his sermon and article which I will delve into at a later date.

I wrote this out concern that I not misrepresent those whom I critique.
I respect Piper as a minister and want to be careful not to hinder his ministry.
I also want to say that Abraham Piper was very cordial in his reply to me and I respect that.

There are several issues of disagreement and concern I have Piper's theology which I feel at liberty to critique.

The reason is that no one most especially God's people and ministers are not free from the rebuke of God's Word. I try not judge people on a personal level yet if a individual represents a view, then I will use their name only to rebuke the practice.

So at a time later in the future I will readress the drinking issue as it is a great and rising evil in our current society.
In Christ,

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