Thursday, August 3, 2017

Some evidence just doesnt look debunked.

One good skill to acquire is learning to read between the lines.

Here is the new York Times article claiming to have debunked the Glen Rose Texas Dinosaur footprints.
Now let me show you where the holes in their argument form.
"Scientists called the discovery an ''exciting development'' in their running dispute with those fundamentalists, known as scientific creationists, who argue that the biblical account of creation should be taught in schools on an equal basis with the Darwinian theory of evolution. "
Why would this development be "exciting"?
Because the "Scientists" have an agenda to debunk Creationism! "those fundamentalists" At the time when Carl Baugh found the foot prints he was not a fundamentalist by the way.
"Confronted with these findings, a leader of the scientific creationists conceded that the tracks could no longer be ''regarded as unquestionably human.'' " Doesn't seem to be precise. " it is John Morris of ICR btw.
The problem is that as a Creationist I am not led by John Morris but By God!!!
This is political trickery you need logic and evidence to argue a point not endorsements.
"An accumulation of fossil and geologic evidence has led scientists to conclude that the earth is 4.5 billion years old and that dinosaurs inhabited the world for some 160 million years, becoming extinct 65 million years ago. Fossil discoveries in Africa indicate that early human ancestors appeared about three million years ago. "
You understand this is full on evolutionary propaganda.
"Then along came Mr. Kuban, a computer programmer from Brunswick, Ohio, who majored in biology in college and has become an experienced student of dinosaur tracks. " So that means he is not a PHD in paleontology, neither does he have a bachelors in Paleontology, hmmm...
"Two summers ago, pursuing the investigation, Mr. Kuban said he found evidence that ''practically jumped out at you.'' Ronnie J. Hastings, a high school science teacher from Waxahachie, Tex., made a similar discovery at about the same time. "
"Almost every one of the alleged human tracks, they found, was accompanied by distinct colorations in the rock that, upon detailed analysis, revealed the pattern of dinosaurian digits. "
What do Dinosaur digits look like? Does every species of dinosaur have identical digits? certainly with the expertise paleontologists show they must know which species of Dinosaur this is right? They have looked at a foot print supposedly 70 million years old and the chemicals from the dinosaur were preserved in a "Running Stream" 70 million years! I bet there must have been some Dino BO on those tracks!!

"For some time, paleontologists had withheld an endorsement of Mr. Kuban's interpretation because it went against the traditional view of how bipedal dinosaurs walked. It was assumed, based on the preponderance of footprint evidence, that they almost always walked in the digitigrade fashion - on their toes"
So they have to reinterpret the entire way they understand Dino tracks!! Even though the accepted dino tracks do not do this.

Neither Mr. Kuban nor the paleontologists could determine what species of dinosaurs were responsible for the disputed Paluxy tracks. They could not be sure whether the more flat-footed tracks represent a regular type of locomotion for some dinosaurs or merely occasional or aberrant behavior."
OHHH NOOOOO!!!!! You mean that human looking footprints are not given any other identity????
There are a lot of dinosaurs and they could not identify which species of dinosaur because all dino tracks look alike??
Let's not use Occam's razor and assume because it looks like human tracks that they indeed are.
Especially considering the fact that with over 11 tracks and no view of dino digits and the tracks of foot prints over the other dino prints gives us a perfect outline keeping the shape of a human foot.

"Some other alleged human footprints, Mr. Kuban said, appeared to be the result of erosional distortions, natural irregularities in the rock or perhaps the impressions left by dinosaurs dragging their tails or pressing their snouts to the ground while feeding. Creationists Accept Report"
erosion makes holes bigger and not smaller.
Oh wow! This guy is a christian!!!
"In an article in the current issue of Creation/Evolution, a publication of the American Humanist Association, Mr. Kuban wrote, ''I have concluded that no genuine human tracks have been found in the Paluxy riverbed.''"
Humanist???  Isn't that an official name for the religion of atheism??  He is an atheist christian! ;)
I know that christians debunking Christians must publish in places that will embolden unbelievers ;)
Here is a well documented case dealing with this issue by Don Patton.

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