Monday, October 22, 2007

Why be critical?

When I look at different belief systems and I critique them many Christians get offended.

How can I go to somebody and show them the love of Christ if i am judging them?

Essentially we all want love others and Christians want to show the love of CHrist.

But what is Judgeing and what is love?

We have entered a time of ignorance.
We must remember that what you don't know can kill you.
Millions wil have horrible lives and even worse eternity because they chose the life of a fool.
The fool is one who lives as if there is no God.(Psalm 14)

How do we help people?
Is it by helping people feel good for a minute or a life time.
A drug dealor can potentially help you feel really good for a little while.
I (a preacher) can potentially help you feel really good for all eternity.

If I love someone I may or may not say sweet words. But I will help you if you are in true need and give you godly advice.
not because of me but Christ working in me.

How do we judge people. I convicted that we should not be hard on people but able to forgive and forget. We do not need vengeance upon people.

But I do believe in tough love.

Homosexual rights advocates think they love homosexuals.
They tell them they are born that way and that they need to get married to a homosexuall in that lifestyle for the rest of their lives.

Statistically most homosexuals(definitely men at least) are the bi-products of child molestation. As little children they were tortured and destroyed by evil sex crazed monsters.
Most of these young men were robbed of every ounce of dignity. So much so, that they could not even look at themselves in the mirror be assured of their ability to be men. So they masquerade as sex objects to run away from the guilt. They are then enslaved to live lifestyles that blaspheme themselves, their families, and a just God who will be force to poor out his wrath upon them if there is no repentance toward God and Faith toward Christ. Not to mention lifestyles in which they usually will not live past the age of 50 and will be tempted to become the vampires that tortured them in their youth.

It is not judgemental in our culture to encourage them in this slavery and rush them head long on into death and damnation.

Yet it is condemning to offer them freedom......

As I wrote in my philosophy of freedom.
The word of God might condemn us. But if we follow it, then we will be set free.
People like freedom.

When I attack sin, I am offering freedom.
To set a captive free you break their shackles.
This could be very painful.

But the pain will be worth freedom.
Ask any refugee.
In Christ

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