If the universe is intelligently designed, then so too must man not only biologically but socially be designed as well.
The story of the garden of Eden is chopped full majestic images, and typology Yet as majestic as this paradise is, we must fight the fleshly conclusion of nature; and understand the glory in history of paradise.
Beauty is often a concept in the humanities and metaphysics. But our creation was a different dispensation. Our God did not stop at an intelligent design but a virtuous world as well. Scientist came up with a concept known as the anthropic principle. The universe was specially arranged to have allowed life. Paradise is a Persian term meaning Garden. In the garden you have everything provided for. In eastern culture there is a lot of worship of the garden. God is not simply a principle; Now, He is a person (really 3 but let's not get ahead of ourselves.) God creates Adam, the perfect and only man. even after the fall Adam lived about 950 years. Ancient civilizations tell their myths of a golden age. Yet even in Paradise, Adam was not fulfilled in solitude. So God created Eve, not from the dirt like Adam but from Adam's rib.
In order to form a more perfect union Adam had to sacrifice himself and his perfection.
The first marriage lasted many centuries and some scholars have claimed that it would have produced up to 50 descendants. While this may seem fantastic to some. there have been evidences of this in mitochondrial DNA mathematical studies in birthrates and the age of world history.
Never the less Marriage is the original institution for mankind. This fact is undisputed. From marriage we have family. From families we have tribes, and nations and eventually empires. Also admidst this we would have religion.
The American experiment broke with what is known as the Old World Order. It cut the fat of the kingdoms, royalty and empires. But this accomplishment was only possible with the remaining institution of the family. Even the institution of organized religion was ultimately still relient upon the family. The institution of marriage therefore is not simply some method of self fulfillment. Instead is the bond of all society. Even the independent need the bonds of family or the independent will die of isolation.
The judeo-christian culture admits the biblical position of marriage. As Jesus taught.
The government should resect marriage and family and the home. The government never created the family but vice-versa.
The government has been tinkering with the nature of the home to become the masters instead of servants. The no-fault divorce laws, family courts, gay marriage, sexual education courses LGBTQ etc have damaged the family, Ultimately the attack on the family is the attack on freedom. The attack on the family cause crime, hurts the economy and limits freedom. The marriage bed must be undefiled in our personal life and just as much in our public policy.
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