Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Not Reformed! Transformed!!!


James 2:But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors."

Acts 10:34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:"

Now throughout this series I will be exposing the false premises of reform theology and show where their Teachings can eventually grow to the level of heresy.
  "Reformation" is a concept of fixing the catholic church.  This assumes that Roman Catholic church was once the true Christian church ony in need of improvement.  But reformed christians have told me personally that they seek this as a concept of their Christianity needing reformation.   However you can not have reformation without the transformation of regeneration. The catholic church does not have regenerate membership.  And this disease curses the theology of reformed christians. because the inclusion of unbelievers is a desecration of the body of christ.
     SO it may shock you to know that I still have friends who are Calvinists.  I even hosted a missionary who was a Calvinist at the church I pastor.  In fact I even served on an ordination council for 2 Calvinist elders!! Why is this?  Many teachings are on paper, believers may hold these ideas on a lower level or may be inconsistent about if their ideas conflict with the scripture.
     But also I have had mentors who were Calvinists on some level who were charitable to me and helped me in my walk.  That is not to say that there were not bad Calvinists who tried to hamper my ministry.  But we have to go beyond that when we try to discern the spirits. We all have errors, but are we working to overcome those errors?  Reformed theology indeed has put on some age to their system. While they have the reputation of orthodoxy, they have been struggling to maintain this.  Why?  Because the damage from the seeker-sensitive movement has placed many into a void that we see as a movement.
      "Young restless and reformed" is a popular caricature.  Unlike earlier generations, they may idolize confessions and yet not have fidelity to their doctrine.  However, theology is highly refined and misplacing the slightest doctrine can greatly shift the whole face of religion.  I have seen this in the doctrine called "Lordship salvation" which is quickly mutating into unabashed legalism and from there into cultic categories.  A generation of worldliness made traditional reformed theology too weak to police their own generation.  Meanwhile the movement went on a proselytizing tirade and infected it's mutation across multiple traditions turning into a cancer.
 While there can be many "non-militant" or "moderate" Calvinists whom we consider brothers who are not looking to  conquer the laity.  The sad fact is that they are unable to pursue their own errors quite like they pursue the errors of Rome or Pentecostalism.  So it falls upon those outside the movement to bring the rod of Correction. 

Unit 1. Chosen Corruptors

      Rick Warren was a moderate Calvinist, and might not be seen as a major contributor but he was!  A system of church growth which borrowed from the liberal reformers.  A system forms where the light contemporary church casts a large net.  While the legalistic elite small group casts a smaller net.

        Van Til is a reformed philosopher.  Early in his career he gained a big reputation among reformers in philosophy.  But he had a Rival in Gordon Clark who was reformed but had a more extensive education and experience in philosophy.  Clark and later disciples came to realize that van Til's system has inherently postmodern and existential doctrines within a seemingly orthodox framework.

       John Piper is one of the most popular "New Calvinist" Preachers. It is a shock to the system to discover that even by the standards of old school reformed Theology, he has veered away from orthodoxy.

Hannengraaf is odd here as he is not personally reformed yet his father was reformed and he influenced many reformers.  Ironicly this article is very important when dealing with reformed eschatology.

 Hyper-Calvinism is slowly coming back as many Calvinist spend more and more time attacking non-Calvinist efforts of evangelism and missions.  Including deeming it heresy to ask Jesus in your heart.

Unit 2  Dealing with the mechanics









Unit 3  Underpinnings

The historical case

Theology Proper
This shows deep problems with Christology as it relates to determinism.

Unit 4  Appendix side issues: (side issues)


Bonus a commentary on the book of romans.  "The Reign of grace"

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