Sunday, August 6, 2023

KFA : Belief principles (rough draft)

 kingdom ministry)
One of the goals of the Ky Family Association is to serve as a Kingdom ministry. While political activism is a part of our scope, we are more than a political group and have definite spiritual component and theology.  However, kingdom service is not the same office as church ministry.  The church in the scriptures is the pillar and ground of truth. They need to make the deeper doctrinal decisions and discussions. The kingdom on the other hand is not separated from the world but pervading the world as the salt of the earth and bring light to a darkened world. The kingdom ministry is more action oriented interacting with the community. So these instances where we take a theological stance are meant to be rare.  However, one of our goals must be to defend Christian faith and conservative christian culture. Thus  we declare the principle necessary to defend our faith and culture.  this first topic to accomplish this is the trinity.

There are generally 3 different methods used to defend the doctrine of the trinity.  The fideist approach, The Creedalist approach and the Biblicist approach.  The fideist approach refuses to organize the trinity in any coherent way.  Instead it is simply taken by faith and seen as a part of thhe Christian experience.  The problem is that the trinity is an explanation, therefore it has to be reasonable. Meanwhile this technique demeans the rationality of the doctrine.
The creedal aproach takes a consensus of the views ofthe clergy, formalizes them into a ctate ment of axioms and then calculates a harmonization of all previous creeds. This is the typical process of the roman cathoic church and several other catholic tradition churches.  Typically there are 7 ecumenical councils that are looked upon for as an authority on the trinity.  These are well written and rational explanations.  However, these formulas would add propositions not explained in the scripture as well as have contradictions with differing creeds.
The biblicist aproach has a simple definition of the trinity used to explain what has been revealed in scripture. No more, no less.

trinity simple understanding) A Simple definition of the trinity is that 1. God has one essence/substance called divinity or Godhead. 2. Within the God head exist 3 separate persons Father, Son and Hly Spirit. There are other side issues but the doctrine stands or falls on these 2 points.

biblical proof) In Old Testament the plurality of God is seen in genesis 1:26 and exodus 3:6.  Also in psalm 110:1 We see conversation between Jehovah and Adonai implying Christ to be adonai "Lord".
The clearest passage affirming the trinity is in 1John 5:7-10.  Coincidentaly it is the most criticized and attacked text of scripure.  This Authir maintains it's authenticity, Greek studies show that in the verse is grammatically correct in the Greek. But excluding it contradicts the masculine feminine pronouns. in other words if you take out the verse it is bad grammar and if you keep it, then it is good grammar.
There are othe passages implying the trinity.  Matthew 20:19 gives us the trintarian formula as the title of our Baptism. Acts 19:1-6 invokes the holy ghost and the Son as an essential amendment to John's baptism.  Paul also refers to the trinity in 2 Corinthians 13:14.  The most important passage to show how the 3 persons are different is at the baptism of Jesus.
Mark 1:9 And it came to pass in those days, that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee, and was baptized of John in Jordan.10 And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon him:11 And there came a voice from heaven, saying, Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."
All three persons are in different places doing different actions, thus we do not see modalsim(one person) but three persons(trinitarianism.
 Another good point is that we must not leave the trinity doctrine in isolation, but remember the accompanying doctrines (deity of Christ, Incarnation, deity of the Holy Spirit etc.) one they are verified in scripture they are ready to harmonize. We will discuss this in the next article.

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