Monday, October 31, 2011

Biblical election (summary)

This is a summary of my article "the biblical doctrine of election" For those with questions about this doctrine, first study this article for the biblical exegesis. (april 2011)

divine decree duns capp.
Christian theology assumes at the start that election is God"s choice of who will and possibly will not recieve God's mercy.
Since the time of John calvin there has been an ongoing debate over the order of decrees by God in eternity past. whether he chose simply to save some, to save some and damn others or to offer it unto all.
The real problem with establishing an order is that while God existed before there was time. How can we establish a timeline if there was no such thing as time?
To do so makes a pre-existent gospel.

jewish definition
After studying the exhaustive concordance I realized that the terms Chosen and election are synonymous with servanthood. As in the kings chosen men. Or Chosen soldiers or chefs or whatever. So election as it was originally used had nothing to do with who recieves mercy. it is about who is used in God's plan.
So since the new Testament is a jewish written document we should assume the definition until it specifically states that the definition has changed. So the Gospel keeps the meaning.

Paul's jewish roots and his revelation of the age of grace
So I went through and found that it is only in Paul where we have a direct link to salvation. So why does Paul seem to change the definition of a word?
The answer is that Paul does not change the definition. However the Object of god's election is widened. So That God has elected those who are believers.
Thus Paul's revelation is that believers will now be used of God. Israel is still of use To God but they must be faithful to Him through Christ. As prophesied.

salvation predestined upon foreknowledge
Now with the doctrine of election segregated from salvation. Salvation is given to the believer upon their faith in christ. God in eternity past predestined believers with the benefits of salvation upon their faith. election

unconditional for the believer

God then unconditionally elects and calls them to service regardless of their merit He will use them to accomplish his mission.

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