intro chess tournament
X Person starts with snide woke comments) (woke is a white invention using critical race theory which came from the east German school (Frankfurt school) as part of their "critical theory" applying Marxist philosophy to all aspects of life.) The two meet in a chess tournament.
X:Alright now, whitey it is time to put your privilege butt in check! I heard about you being West Virginia redneck! You and your fake 'white Jesus' are going Down!
C: What?? Is that just trash talking?
X: Maybe but you know it's the truth! Your ancestors are a bunch of white slave owners and you benefit by oppressing us people of color! And... You use "Christianity" an instrument to perpetuate your violence!
Move 1 pawn f7 to f5
C: Well I don't know if you are aware of the history of West Virginia. But I am a Melungeon. My ancestor are of multiple races that immigrated into West Virginia. My family is a mix of Russian, Cherokee, African American and Italian. So some of my ancestors were oppressed, some never owned slaves, there is racism in my states history, but why do you determine my guilt only because of my skin tone? Do you have any white ancestry?
Counter move 1 pawn b2 to b4
X. I mean there is a little bit Irish but,,,,, Man!! That don't count! The oppression follows the skin tone!
C: Well aren't you playing with a double edged sword? If you have an ancestor who killed a black man, should you personally suffer? You see my God does not judge people like karma. We are responsible for our own actions!
X. Now don't even go there! The church manipulates and plays that game all the time. Thankfully college helped me out of that. There is no God there is no good world and we were made by evolution and the big bang!
Move 2 knight g8 to f6
C: Sorry but that doesn't follow. If I told you evolution doesn't exist because I found some evolutionists who were Jerks, you would laugh me out of the building! God makes perfect sense to me. When your rejection is baseless, it makes you look silly to make bold proclamations,
Counter move 2 bishop c1 to A3
X. Oh come on man! How can an all loving God create a world with hatred, and theft and rape and murder! If God is not good then how can he be powerful or wise?
Move 3 pawn h7 to h5
C: How can an unintelligent universe make a world with evil? How can material make a world with beauty and goodness? If you can't blame God for evil, then you have to find another scapegoat because evil is still present! What are you going to do when the real world steps in? Is your life going to be conquered by what ever happens to you at night? Why is there evil, and why do you know it?
Counter move 3 pawn h2 to h4
X. Look there is no right and wrong, there is just people and problems to work out. We just need a reasonable life.
move 4 knight f 6 to d4
C: So everything has a reason?
X. Of course!
C: And all of science operates on the same principle correct?
X. Well yeah, science means that everything has a rational explanation.
C. So what is the reason of the universe?
X, The big bang!
C. What was the reason for the big bang?
X. There was no reason for the big bang.
C. So then everything in the universe has no meaning and science does not exist?
X. Well maybe there is a reason and we just don't know it yet.
C: How do you really know the laws of science really exist?
X. Because the laws of science work, we have conducted one experiment after another millions of times over and published them in peer review journals.
C: Why should you want science to work? If it works, then you know there is a reason for everything, and if that is true then you have to ask who is providing the reasons?
counter move castle 4 h1 to h3
x, That sounds good and everything, until you get hit with the truth! We can talk about "a god" or a power or a spirit. But you and I both know that the end game is not just some space ghost. You want to turn that into your Bible spirit and have everybody cryin' amen! But in reality there are about a billion gods out there and you want to tell everybody that it is just your white god with a white Jesus
move 5 pawn f7 to f5
C: The "Truth" is Jesus Christ! He is God who became a man. He is the light of the dark world, he is the lamb of God and the one mediator between Man and God. No one can know the Father but through the Son. There is no other only-begotten Son/God in human flesh who will die for our sins. There is no other way to eternal life.
Counter move Castle 5 h3 to f3
X. That's a nice sermon and all, but we don't know if he even existed! Your hanging on to a fairytale!
Move 6 knight d4 to b3
C. There is more evidence for Jesus Christ than any other historical figure in history.
A. Our Calendar dating was set up with his existence as the climax of history.
B We have 4 gospels or short biographies of him.
C. We have 2 genealogies showing who his descendants are,
D. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote a letter in the new testament, was referenced by Josephus and we have his bones in an ossuary(bone box). While he achieved a great reputation on his own, his claim to fame has always been as the brother of Jesus.
E. The shroud of Turin was found with a body stained tp a buriel cloth. it is believed by scholars to be the remains of christ.
F Joseph of Arimathea) tons of stories of him migrating to Europe with archaeological evidence. G. The Sudarium of Oviedo(face cloth), The great Stone of Mt. Nebo 9stone for tomb), Caiphus and the nails(maybe of christ), The garden tomb. with measurements proving the objects all fit together.)
H. The gospel of the NT was published by hand and we have about 6,000 Greek and a total 24,000 manuscripts making it the most important manuscript in the ancient world.
I. Josephus, other Jewish, pagan and gnostuc and muslim sources all agree to the existence of Christ.
J. textual critics agree with the existence of christ.
This is just the facts.
Counter move 6 castle h3 to b3. knight taken.
X. This is the point bruh, you trying to waste your time proving that he is a person how could that make him the Son of God??
move 7 Queen e8 to G6
C. Because all the heavy lifting has been Done friend.
If Jesus lived, you have to determine if he was a liar, lunatic or lord.
He claimed to be Lord. So does the gospel reveal him to be a liar or a lunatic?
Even they greatest moralist of the 20thcentury Ghandi emulated him.
If he was insane his movement would have ended after his death, just like Jim ones.
Most importantly if he was either a liar or a lunatic.... they would have found his body!!
The apostles were all killed of they never said anything other than that he rose from the dead and willingly died for their belief. 500 other people saw him alive after the crucifixion. We see people like the apostle paul persecuting christians and instantly transform into christians themselves even at the risk of death. Not to mention we have about 300 prophecies in the scripture finding fulfillment in Christ.
counter move 7 castle b3 to b7 pawn taken
X. And with all that, what does it get you A wrathful God judges you and damns you to Hell!
Move 8 Queen G6 to G2
C: Have you judged yourself? Have you been faithful to God? Do you take his name in vain or worship other things? Do you break promises and fool even yourself? Are you lazy? Do you ever take things that do not belong to you? Are you violent? Have you been violent or adulterous in your heart? Do you give your heart over to drugs, porn, gambling, gossip, narcissism, or hate? Do you dishonor your parents, your community and loved ones?
Why would you be offended by hell? It is the only thing you believe in!
You believe there is no afterlife. Your future is darkness. it does not matter what good you have in life. You are simply going to die. There is nothing fair about death. there is no way to beat death. You can guarantee a long life. Your death might be painful. What if you die in pain? Will your brain freeze you in in the horror? Could you end up in a serious accident? how much pain will you feel and how long?
Life is just a ticking time bomb. Nobody will know you 100years from now. if they do not well, and who knows if people will even like you?
Countermove 8 check bishop a3 to e7 pawn taken
Move 9 check Queen G2 to F2 pawn taken
C: Now hold on just a minute! you have a series of complaints and when it is all said and done I can't help but remember that saying "Don't bite the hand that feeds you. When Jesus died on the cross, he had you on his mind! YOU!!!!! Pay attention reader! He knows your life he knows you hurts and he knows your fears! He knows your guilt. This world does not offer you much. You never know how long life will be. But God cares for you, he prepared a way out. a way to have new life and a way to have eternal life. Why? Why? do you want trivial issues get in the way? There is no salvation anywhere else. The ancient pagans couldn't find it even Gilgamesh could not beat death, Modern science can't beat it, all they can do is freeze your brain and give it freezer burn! Religion can only give you excuses why you failed. You need the true God and you need his love. Repent of your unbelief and trust in Christ, his resurrection and his precious blood, Believe it and you will receive Him. Behold God is our salvation and the spirit will give you a new heart and life, Turn away from the death of hell and be made clean!
counter-move 9
Check Mate!