Tuesday, April 27, 2021

To whom it may concern,

 The world has gone crazy, every few years there is an event which shakes up civilization, Pearl Harbor, 911 and now the 2020pandemic.  This pandemic is different in the fact that society has been more effected by the ripple or "reset" than by the virus itself.  We are seeing shut down governments and economies, and even society around the globe.  Some people believe all major events are just random.  But just like biology I believe that designs in civilization have a designer.  So I am not in a state of shock at the recent events involved.
  As we look at the earthquakes and the tornadoes  and flames I think we forget the important part of the narrative regarding a still small voice.
 Just after the SBC awakened to all these things, the convention pushes a bizarre doctrine called "Critical Race Theory". But what is this idea?  Once upon a time a philosopher name Karl Marx developed an idea of history and economics where societies are in a never ending struggle between the oppressor's and oppressed or victims and victimizers.  He advocated war to end the oppressed and create a utopian society based on ideal of equality.  His writings were very contagious and dozens of countries engaged in various revolutions across the globe. Communism as it is known would reek havoc however, causing massive poverty and resulted in around 100,000,000 million executions in the 20thcentury.  Early on academic Marxists in Germany established what was known as the "Frankfurt School".  These academic assumed that the reason for the apparent failures is the fact that "Marx was not Marxist enough" Thus they reasoned that by attaching the "Oppressor/Oppressed paradigm to other aspects of life they could achieve their utopian goals. Thus we see the birth of critical theory.  One of the first and most successful applications of this theory is critical race theory. The idea was that the black race(or native american, etc)  was the victim class, while the white race is the Privileged class that due to the offenses of the past the white race must yield it's wealth privileges' of all forms to the offended party, hopefully until utopia is obtained.  Later a revolution called intersectionality was invented.  This is to accommodate all the various alternative classifications.  Whether it be a race or sex or sexual preference or gender preference, handicap and perhaps religion.  This has become a very systematic understanding of race.  Conduct or merit is worthless in this system.  As it seeks to treat any stereotype of humanity as a lifeless tool for the manufacturing company. Someone is to either be shamed as an offender or they are to be condescended as pitied hopeless victim without any input!
    Marxists finished redefining religion earlier with liberation theology.  The idea that the work of Christ was not about heaven and hell but more of a victim calling for revolution and bloody war.  This would manifest itself in "black theology" and "feminist theology" but it had massive implications in South America in the many communist revolutions leaving a trail of genocide in the name of Christ.  Paul warned us that Satan would come as an angel of light. Of course many of us ignored the savior when told to also be wise as serpents.  Some of the most heartfelt Christians I know have fallen victim to naivete'.  But the question for this generation of Christians is would they rather commit deeds of racism and be in good reputation; or would they prefer to commit good deeds at the cost of a bad reputation even with the fiery darts of accused racism?

  Where is the convention leadership saying the name of David Dorn?  What would Russel Moore say to Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. when he was not even able to identify the body of his son in Seattle? When these men were publicly praising Black Lives Matter, BLM was publicly Killing African American people among others. 
As a result of the behavior of these leaders, Black Baptist and White Baptists have come together from across the board to disassociate themselves from the SBC.  But can we blame them?  The Current leadership has actively and publicly portray the denomination from which take take Sanctified money from as pedophiles, racists, sexist, homophobic and a deplorable bunch of wretches.  The are harsh words to stir up strife and are ultimately schismatic.
These ideas if carried out to their logical conclusion leave us with a different gospel.  How could Christ be the advocate for women, gentiles, black skinned, white skinned, gay or straight, trans, handcicapped, giant, dwarfed, obese, or illiterate people?  Because if these barriers are permanently insurmountable then there would have to be many christs to mediate instead of one. Also how could all people be sinners if sin is relative to the culture? This is where we see the earlier Marxist denying salvation.
This contradicts the bible
Also this contradicts the BF&M.  The scripture is "the extreme standard by which all" "religious opinions should be tried". Jesus was "identifying himself completely with mankind". That "every person of every race possesses full dignity and is worthy of respect and Christian love." Either shaming or belittling someone based on their skin tone is not respect and Christian love!  Most importantly "It is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to endeavor to make disciples of all nations."  The great commission is at stake because missionaries visiting other cultures will be viewed as racist for delivering the soul saving Gospel!!"
As the current extended President Greer has attempted to set a precedent of over-reach against our autonomous congregations and Russel Moore has used his position in the SBC to not advance liberal preferences but to push his political agenda against Donald Trump and for Joe Biden;  Albert Mohler has exercised his influence over almost all the SBC Seminaries and forced revisionist history.  This year Dr. Mohler stands to keep his power and add on the SBC presidency which will make him the most powerful man over the Convention in our the last 2 centuries.
 Brothers in faith and Pastoring, Let's stop running from the snakes in our back yard.  It is time to drive them out and clean up the temple! No more whoring after idols, no more creeping behind the hole in the wall.  Choose ye this day, will we be the body of Christ or a business of men?

Sincerely, Pastor Matt Singleton