Monday, January 11, 2021
The Fact of Creation
However, this popular criticism is nonsensical, because every true statement requires belief in order to recognize truth
For a couple generations, truth has been under attack. Now we can settle in liberty; but we can not tolerate lies. Facts are facts and if we do not acknowledge them, they will destroy us. In the information age we have gathered more facts than ever before. In light of that, those who are not advocates of truth want to flood the public with misinformation so that common people miss vital knowledge for their daily living.
SO the goal of this book is not so much as an attempt to compel people to positive faith, as it is an indictment upon the lie of atheism.
#1 I show the historical record of Secular forces in the war for western civilization.
#2 I show the historical record of the factual observations of the creator God
#3 I logically justify the Judeo Christian God through Ontological argumentation
#4 I make the case for a geocentric cosmology and the anthropic principle of the universe.
#5 I Show that the evolutionary theory has been and is currently debunked to the point where there is no epistemological value from the theory.
#6 I respond to metaphysical attacks upon God with evidence for and the doctrine of the deity of Jesus Christ
While my first book would be persuasive for belief, this book attacks the heart of denial
At the end of the day if your basis is agnosticism, "having no knowledge" then your place in society is submission "Having no authority".
Now as I set out this cumulative case consider these points/
#1 Subjective desire
#2 A fact observed
#3 The facts proven rational
#4 The whole of the Evidence in a teleological framework.
#5 The Alternative debunked
#6 The "Truth" vindicated.
So if we assume that the articles are proven, would it stand to reason that creation is a fact? If so then it is time to weigh the case.
Now often Christians these days debate the need for evidence, if our belief is only based on faith or if it is entirely based on evidence, or if it is some scale in the middle.
This debate is ironically off topic because the goal is not about reasoning someone to faith in Christ for salvation. I believe that scripture is the only BASIS for belief.
Now, Thomas Aquinas or "Thomism" Argues for a similar division between reason and faith. However, this author rejects the category of this division. The division proposed is between reason and faith. Reason being a basis for moral and belief in God while Faith being the basis for theology and religion. This division is false because faith involves reason and reason involves faith.
Instead this is over how denial of creation is immoral. It is not immoral based on the requirement of faith. It is not immoral based upon the persuasion or reasoning theism. It is immoral because Creation and it's creator God is an observed fact and that denying this fact is a lie at the foundation of world civilization.
A fact might not be absolutely certain and yet the logic can work enough to be compelling. However a fact is an observation and must not be rejected; it could be reinterpreted, but not rejected. Denying creation and the creator is not natural, what is natural is for man to be religious. Not only for their life to have meaning, but indeed a higher power to cling to in the face of death or annihilation. When we use propaganda to take this meaning of life, and the need for life, away from people We are violating the hearts and lives of scores of people, which of course is morally wrong.
The last chapter does transgress the goal slightly. Secularist tend to cross over categories and their greatest arguments are metaphysical in nature. Since they mostly don't have metaphysics in their system they are contradicting themselves but the objections must be addressed or the false premise will be assumed truth.
The experience of creation
bible smack: The experience of creation
bible smack: Jesus, the God of Creation
Saturday, January 9, 2021
The experience of creation
If man was good, why would he need government or at least why would he need law enforcement?
The need for law and force is based on the fact that there is natural lack of law and force in the human condition.
But some may argue that we simply have bad government systems. But these systems then translate into war and many may ask "why the conflict?"
Once again if there is conflict then peace is not natural.
If humanity is in such conflict then there is a struggle over the identity of good vs bad.
But as long as there is this struggle there is a bad which is the condition of humanity.
The left wing chain of thought.
The point of God in government
Cicero and moral law
"True law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands, and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions.... It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it, and it is impossible to abolish it entirely. We can not be freed from it's obligations by senator or people, and we need not look outside ourselves for an expounder or interpreter of it. And there will never be different laws at Rome and at Athens, or different laws now or in the future, but one eternal, unchangeable law will be valid for all nations and all times, and there will be one master and ruler, that is God, over us all, for he is the author of this law, it's promulgator, and it's enforcing Judge. whoever is disobedient is fleeing from himself and denying his human nature, and by reason of this very fact he will suffer the worst punishment." (Quoted by Ebenstein, Great Political Thinkers p. 133)
This is quite astounding in the sense that a heathen philosopher can discern right from wrong and endorse monotheism based on natural logic. This shows that morality can indeed be universal
The Godly Common Law
"The secular application of the Ten Commandments is clearly seen in it’s adoption as the fundamental legal code of Western civilization and the Common Law of the United States.” Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist
- The Foundation of English Common LawAnglo – Saxon law
The law of the Anglo – Saxons prior to the invasion of the Normans in 1066 A. D. was a legal political system similar to the Old Testament Israel. In their decentralized government, a head of ten families was called a “tithing man.” The head of fifty families was a “vil-man”. The head of a hundred families was named a “hundred-man” while the head of a thousand families was known as an “eolderman”. The term "eolderman" may be related to the Scandinavian term “jarl.” Eventually the “eolderman” became known as an “earl” and governed a region called a “shire.” A “shire reef” was his assistant and became known as a “sheriff.”
The Code of Alfred the Great
Alfred the Great codified biblical law throughout his kingdom. He became known as the "Father of English common law."“The Laws of Alfred (about A. D. 890) start with a recitation of the Ten Commandments and excerpts from the Mosaic Law; and in restating and revising the native Anglo – Saxon laws. Alfred includes such great principles as: ‘doom (i.e. judge) every evenly; doom not one doom to the rich, another to the poor, nor doom one to your friend, another to your foe.’” (Cf. Exodus 23: 1-3; Deut. 1:16 – 18)
Ecclesiastical law
The law of the church known as ecclesiastical law was an important influence on the creation of English common law. The Bible was the foundation of law of an independent church court system.
Jewish law
The church prohibited money lending (based on interpretation of various passages of Scripture) during the Middle Ages. Jewish people were not bound by the interpretations of passages of Scripture by the church for they interpreted the passages differently. The Jews were almost the only people from whom money could be borrowed during the Middle Ages. Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon (Maimonides) codified Jewish law which formed the basis of commercial law in England. Consequently, this was based on Jewish interpretation of passages from the Old Testament.
English common law - American law
English common law is the most significant source of American law.The Scriptural principles of Biblical law were the basic foundation of English common law. The Christian English jurist, Sir William Blackstone published his Commentaries which were a compilation of English common law. In the ten years prior to the American War for Independence; nearly 2500 copies of his commentaries were purchased and widely read in the American colonies. The English common law scholar Coke was respected and more widely read in the American colonies than in England.
Furthermore, the American colonists wanted to “biblicize” their legal and judicial systems further. The early colonists saw themselves as the “new Israel” whom God planted in a "Promised land".
Attempts to conform civil law to biblical code can be found in the “Massachusetts Body of Liberties” and in the “New Haven Colony Laws.” http://liberty-virtue-independenc
The Godly American Foundation
1. “George Washington added the phrase ‘so help me God’ to his inaugural oath, and he later said ‘It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.’”
2. “Thomas Jefferson the primary Author of the Declaration of Independence, wrote “The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty; therefore student perusal of the sacred volume will make us better citizens, better fathers, and better husbands.”
3. “John Adams made no secret of the fact that he studied the Bible often and with diligence. “Our constitution,” he said, “was made only for a moral and religious people. So great is my veneration of the Bible that the earlier my children begin to read it, the more confident will be my hope that they will prove useful citizens of their country and respectful members of society.’”
4. “Even Ben Franklin wrote ‘A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know the price of the rights which God has given them, cannot be enslaved.’” And “Young man, my advice to you is that you cultivate an acquaintance with and firm belief in the Holy Scriptures, for this is your certain interest. I think Christ’s system of morals and religion as he left them with us, the best the world ever saw or is likely to see.”
5. William Penn, founder and governor of the Pennsylvania colony, said, “If we will not be governed by God, we will be ruled by Tyrants.” (Btw Pennsylvania was the most pluralistic of all American colonies)
6. “Andrew Jackson referred to the Bible as “the rock on which our republic rest.”
7. Abraham Lincoln in light of a national fast which he called for “We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace, and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us; and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own.” He felt America had become “too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proudly to pray to the God that made us.” In light of the Civil War “fondly do we hope-fervently do we pray- that this mighty scourge of war might speedily pass away,” “Yet if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the bond-mans two hundred years of unreqited toil shall be sunk, and until every drop of blood drawn with the lash, shall be paid with another drawn with the sword, as said three thousand years ago so still it must be said, ‘the judgements of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether.’”
8. “Ulysses S. Grant, the nations eighteenth president, urged his fellow citizens to “hold fast to the Bible as the sheer anchor of your liberties; write it’s precepts in your hearts and practice them in your lives. To the influence of this book we are indebted for all the progress made in true civilization and to this we must look as our guide in the future.”
9. Garfield “While the young James A. Garfield was serving as a teacher and lay minister, the people of chagrin falls Ohio, called upon him to defend the Bible against vicious attacks of an influential professor in that community.” United States History in Christian Perspective After extensive scientific preparation he was able to best the professor “…while he claimed that with further research he could yet establish his theories, he manfully admitted that he was surprised and defeated for the time, by the apparently inexhaustible learning of his opponent. He said it was the first time he had met so gifted an adversary and learned an adversary.” The life, Speeches, and public Services of James A. Garfield by Russle H. Conwell
10. Evangelist James Robison once privately asked President Ronald Reagan “I want to ask you something very personal, and the only way I know to ask it is to phrase it in this manner: Is Jesus real to you? Is He real in your life?’ Mr. Reagan paused and then said in inimitable style, “Well, the only way I know how to answer is to share that my father was an alcoholic. I never really knew him. The strongest influence in my life was my mother. I want you to know that Jesus Christ is as real to me as my mother.” The Absolutes by James Robison
Judeo Christian base
Every state constitution mentions God. Every presidential inauguration invoked the name of God. The money says one nation under God. Even the Supreme Court noted America to be a protestant nation in the case of the U.S. vs the trinity. The US in it's administration is secular, meaning that it does not push Religious opinions. However, the culture and worldview of the founding fathers is based upon a light acknowledgement of the Christian God.
Scientific evidence of universal God-based morality
Carl Jung
"According to Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961), archetypes are patterns that repeat themselves in the collective unconscious of human beings. This could be in the form of dreams, stories, art, or even in myths (including religious ones), which don't seem to have cultural boundaries. These are then seen as universal and thus embody a hereditary factor of the human psyche."
"EVIDENCE FOR ARCHETYPES can be divided into several different categories: (1) ‘associative evidence’, similar or associative theory which overtly supports archetypes or bears a resemblance to archetypal theory; (2) ‘scientific evidence’, where it is argued Jung’s method which is descriptive and phenomenological is not unscientific, and ‘archetypes’ are given theoretical support from the theory of other scientists; (3) ‘evidence from quantum physics’, which is support from the theory of quantum physicists.",scientists%3B%20%283%29%20%E2%80%98%20evidence%20from%20quantum%20physics%20
"We cannot speak of “God” but only of a God-image which appears to us or which we make. If, for instance, we were to create a myth, we would say that “God” has two aspects, spiritual and chthonic, or rather: material. He appears to us as the world-moving spirit (= wind) and as the material of the world. That is the image we create for ourselves of the prima causa. But in reality we can say nothing at all about “God.” We can only project a conception of him that corresponds to our own constitution: a body perceived by the senses and a spirit (= psyche) directly conscious of itself. After this model we build our God-image."
"The self becomes only a determining factor, and it is not bounded by its apparent entry into consciousness; in spite of this it remains an ideal, i.e., purely imagined, entity dwelling essentially in the background, just as we also imagine God existing in his original boundless totality in spite of the Creation and Incarnation.So far as the integration of personality components are concerned, it must be borne in mind that the ego-personality as such does not include the archetypes but is only influenced by them; for the archetypes are universal and belong to the collective psyche over which the ego has no control."
Typically, naturalist see the human being as a material product of evolution without metaphysical existence. However, if morals and God is not physically real, there is a reality in the mind for mythology. After all, if God is not real in space, He is still nevertheless real in the human mind. Thus physical universe has still evolved a mental construction of God which effectively displays moral authority.
Jung discovered how the human condition has universal archetypes active in the sub-conscience. Thus ruling our ethics and morality, this universal phenomena might be metaphysical or intelligently designed. Either which way, the structure of the mind gives us clues about nature and that even strictly presented for the natural man; reveals the same creator so desperately ignored
William James
"I wish during this hour to call your attention to some of the psychological peculiarities of such an attitude as this, of belief in an object which we can not see. All our attitudes, moral practical emotional, as well as religious, are due to the "objects" of our consciousness, the things which we believe to exist, whether really or ideally, along with ourselves. Such objects may be present to our senses, or they may be present only to our thought. In either case they elicit from us a reaction; and the reaction due to things of thoughts is notoriously in many cases as strong as that due to sensible presences. it may be even stronger. The memory of an insult may make us angrier than the insult did when we received it. We are frequently more ashamed of our blunders afterwards than we were at the moment of making them; and in general our whole higher prudential and moral life is based on the fact that material sensatioIns actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than ideas of remoter facts." James, William The varieties of Religious Experience pg. 58 lecture I
Legendary psychologist William James argues for the reality of religion in this book. These mental concepts at have to have a psychological reality. Also the concept of God is not unique as a metaphysical reality there are many faculties which are clearly not physical and if evolution were true it would mean that humanity is adapting to metaphysical reality to survive. Whereas if creation is true then men are created with an awareness of God. Either
Al-Anon and the other 12 step programs
"Spirituality is an important part of recovery from addiction. Alcohol and other drugs make us feel like we’re alone. They make us believe there’s no reason to live. Sometimes we already feel that way when we turn to mind-altering substances. For a brief moment, the substances trick us into thinking we’re happy. In the end, they make things worse. To recover from addiction, we must believe we can be happy again. We have to have faith that we can be healthy. We have to have a purpose that motivates us to maintain sobriety. Believing in a higher power helps us find that purpose. Regardless of the higher power we believe in, having faith in something bigger than ourselves can help us find peace. Motivation is an important aspect of achieving and maintaining sobriety. Knowing that we have a place in this world and that we aren’t alone can motivate us to quit drinking or using. A higher power helps many people realize they are connected to something important. For many people, the journey toward finding a higher power is as beneficial as the addiction treatment process. As they detox from alcohol or other drugs, they become capable of thinking critically about the important things in life. As they go through therapy and hear the stories of others in recovery, they understand they aren’t alone. They begin to believe in something they weren’t capable of thinking about while they were under the influence of addictive substances. As they experience a spiritual awakening, they buy into the treatment process. They connect with others, and they feel happiness." What is a Higher Power? Finding Purpose During Recovery (
As we look at the war of values in my generation we see the forming of a dichotomy from the old world to the New.
The New World Order Values The American values
Tyranny Democracy
Globalism Nationalism
Corporations small business/agriculture
Socialism Capitalism
Sexual anarchy Nuclear family
Internet Church/neighborhood
Communism's horrific example
"Lysenkoism, a body of "dialectic Marxist" beliefs almost magic in nature, was created by Trofim Lysenko, a largely uneducated agronomist. Soviet leaders appreciated Lysenko's denial of the existence of genes as the basis of inheritance (and chromosomes where the genes were located and of species as the basis of evolution. It was much easier for them to understand Lysenkos simplified anthropomorphic ideas that individuals within a species "help" each other (i.e. there is no competition within the same species) and inherit changes from environmental conditions than it was for them to deal with the complicated knowledge of "burgeoise" geneticist and evolutionist" pg 46
The Perversion of Knowledge Vadim J. Birstein "The True Story of Soviet Science"
What we see here we see is an example of the fact that the humanist religion of marxism does not subject itself to science but instead subjects science to it.
We see this principal playing out today in terms of sexuality studies.
The New World Order was planned
A hundred generations have searched for this elusive path to peace, while a thousand wars raged across the span of human endeavor. Today that new world is struggling to be born, a world quite different from the one we've known. A world where the rule of law supplants the rule of the jungle. A world in which nations recognize the shared responsibility for freedom and justice. A world where the strong respect the rights of the weak. This is the vision that I shared with President Gorbachev in Helsinki. He and other leaders from Europe, the Gulf, and around the world understand that how we manage this crisis today could shape the future for generations to come.
The test we face is great, and so are the stakes. This is the first assault on the new world that we seek, the first test of our mettle. Had we not responded to this first provocation with clarity of purpose, if we do not continue to demonstrate our determination, it would be a signal to actual and potential despots around the world. America and the world must defend common vital interests — and we will. America and the world must support the rule of law — and we will. America and the world must stand up to aggression — and we will. And one thing more: In the pursuit of these goals, America will not be intimidated." The other 9/11: George H.W. Bush's 1990 New World Order speech (
"What is at stake is more than one small country, it is a big idea- a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind: peace security, freedom and the rule of law. such is a world worthy of our struggle, and worthy of our children's future!" President Bush 41 to Congress in January 29, 1991
"We deplore the division of humankind on nationalistic grounds. We have reached a turning point in human history where the best option is to transcend the limits of national sovereignty and to move toward the building of a world community in which all sectors of the human family can participate. Thus we look to the development of a system of world law and a world order based upon transnational federal government." Humanist Manifesto II - American Humanist Association "World Community
The New World Order is based on evolution
"I believe that the Messiah whom we await, whom we all without any doubt await, is the universal Christ; that is to say, the Christ of evolution." Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, as quoted in “ Teilhard de Chardin: Christianity and Evolution,” Spiritual Conspiracies Project Journal: 56.
"...a general convergence of religions upon a universal Christ who satisfies them all: that seems to me the only possible conversion of the world, and the only form in which a religion of the future can be conceived"
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, Christianity and Evolution (Collins, 1971): 130.
"Chardin is one of the most frequently quoted writers by leading New Age occultists" Gary Kah, En Route to Global Occupation (Lafayette, LA: Huntington House Publishers, 1992), p. 41.
"Once complete unity has been achieved, Christ—who will be the Omega Point—will appear; man will then be more than man, will be what Teilhard called Ultra-Human, the cosmos will be transformed; and the glory of it all will be established" Malachi Martin, The Jesuits (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988): 288
America was based on creation
“We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their creator certain unalienable rights; among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Excerpt from The Declaration of Independence
The New World Order is contrary to the family
Since man does not possess "common sense" then the common man is not a responsible creature. Instead there must be a base authority brought through the state which calls upon a higher evolved dictator(Uber man?) for final authority. Families can not have more authority over their own children than the dictator and global government. We see this play out in the "hitler youth" of the nazis. We see the propaganda in a softer form with Hillary Clinton's book "It takes a village"
We see evidence of this attack in the watering down of the definition of marriage and family. Starting with "no fault divorce and ending with gay marriage. Also parental authority being devalued and homeschooling being made illegal in Europe and Canada.
America is based upon a traditional nuclear family
"The positive effects of stable marriage and stable nuclear families also spill over. Neighborhoods, towns, and cities are more likely to flourish when they are sustained by lots of married households. The work of the Harvard sociologist Robert Sampson tells us that neighborhoods with many two-parent families are much safer. In his own words: “Family structure is one of the strongest, if not the strongest, predictor[s] of variations in urban violence across cities in the United States.”
"His Harvard colleagues, the economists Raj Chetty and Nathaniel Hendren, have drawn similar conclusions about the relationship between the health of the American dream and the presence of two-parent families in a community. Working with a team of scholars, they found that black boys are more likely to achieve upward economic mobility if there are more black fathers in a neighborhood—and more married couples, as well. And for poor children of all races, Chetty and his team have found that the fraction of children with single parents in a given community is the strongest and most robust predictor of economic mobility—or its absence. Children raised in communities with high percentages of single mothers are less likely to move up. In other words, it takes a village—but of married people—to raise the odds that a poor child will have a shot at the American dream."
The Nuclear Family Is Still Indispensable - The Atlantic
Atheism against God
"I call Christianity the one great curse, the one great intrinsic depravity, and the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means are venomous enough, or secret, subterranean and small enough - I call it the one immortal blemish on the human race." Delphi Complete Works of Friedrich Nietzsche (Illustrated): Friedrich Nietzsche”, Delphi Classics
"Evolution is the greatest engine of atheism ever invented. Naturalistic evolution has clear consequences that Charles Darwin understood perfectly. 1) No gods worth having exist; 2) no life after death exists; 3) no ultimate foundation for ethics exists; 4) no ultimate meaning in life exists; and 5) human free will is nonexistent. "Evolution: Free will and punishment and meaning in life” 1998 Darwin Day Keynote Address 1 2 †As the creationists claim, belief in modern evolution makes atheists of people. One can have a religious view that is compatible with evolution only if the religious view is indistinguishable from atheism. No Free Will (1999) p.123 †" Evolution Quotes ( William Provine
Communist plans fulfilled by leftwing in america
45 Communist Goals by Dr. Cleon Skousen (1958)
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35
January 10, 1963
Current Communist Goals
Thursday, January 10, 1963
Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.
At Mrs. Nordman’s request, I include in the RECORD, under unanimous consent, the following “Current Communist Goals,” which she identifies as an excerpt from “The Naked Communist,” by Cleon Skousen:
[From "The Naked Communist," by Cleon Skousen]
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principal of “separation of church and state.”
29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”
36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37. Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
38. Transfer some of the powers of arrest from the police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand [or treat].
39. Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose Communist goals.
40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
42. Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use ["]
Evolution and secularism
"I suppose the reason why we leaped at the origin of species was that the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores" Sir Julian Huxley head of UNESCO in a television interview
Now to be fair this quote is often taken out of context. Huxley was not referring to a perverted need to break God's sexual laws so much as he was wanting to defend the sanctity of the humanist view of sex.
"The Kinsey team understood and presented human sexual behavior as a closed darwinian system of simple mammalian behavior: a stimulus provides b) a genital response which produces c) an orgasmic 'outlet.' Indeed, Kinsey applied Pavlovian conditioning to sex, saying all sex is conditioned by environment and that love, jealousy, fear, shame and similar emotions have no operational meaning.. This worldview drove Kinsey's work from the start, as the zoologist denied explanations for human behavior contrary to evolutionary assumptions." Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences by Dr. Judith Reisman pg. 51
Evolution's power over the public school.
"Murray gell-Mann, no doubt, reflecting prevailing sentiment in the scientific community, concludes his analysis this way: fundamentalist have a perfect right to their beliefs, but no right to control the teaching of science in the public school" Now, aside from the adoption of this common vaguely prejorative , and certainly misleading use of the term 'fundamentalist' (not all fundamentalist are creationists, not all creationists are fundamentalists) Gell-Mann actually poses a question about power. Very well, suppose he is right that parents who believe that God the universe and the earth in a relatively short period of time have "no right" to decide what gets taught as science in the public schools. Query then: Who does then have "the right"?
It is no answer to say that the majority of the people should have the right to decide what is taught in school, because in many jurisdictions the creationists are the majority. Nor is it much of an answer to say that professionals-educators or scientist- should always get to decide what is taught, not least because millions of dollars of parents are not really interested in having their tax dollars spent for education in accordance with the views of experts whose knowledge the parents may find inaccessible and threatening and who in any case often heap abuse on the opinions of the parents themselves. Indeed one of the strongest arguments in favor of public assistancefor private school tuition is that only in that way can parents choose for themselves the education their children should have, rather than having some other entity, one over which they may have little control, make the choice for them." Stephen L. Carter The culture of disbelief pg. 170
New(religious) Atheism
Agnostic Vincent Bugliosi bashes the poor representation from the New Atheist movement.
"He writes these words "As almost every page of my book is dedicated t the problem of religious faith, it is ironic that some of my harshest criticism has come from atheist who feel that I have betrayed their cause,,,, If there is a book that takes a harder swing at religion, I'm not aware of it." In other words, I've destroyed religion and therefore I have destroyed God. But does Harris actually believe that there can be no God without religion? Indeed that there can be in a creator, a supreme being concomitantly, a member of some organized religion or religious faith?"pg 47-48
"The thinking of Harris and many other atheists is that belief in God is based on faith, if they can demonstrate the invalidity of faith as a basis for belief in God, this justifies their belief that there is no God. But I submit that there is a problem with this thinking. If the fulcrum of the debate is faith, since faith can be defined as the belief in something that cannot be proved by evidence, why isn't the belief by atheists that there is no God any less of a faith based belief than the belief by atheist than the belief by atheists that there is?"
"To illustrate the weakness of the atheistic philosophy and putting the shoe on the other foot, what would their reaction be if theists said to them, "Since your belief that there is no God, is based solely on faith, not evidence, this is complete justification for our belief that there is a God"? They'd think the theists were crazy. Well then..."pg. 49
"It would seem that someone of even rather dull intelligence would know this. Since Dawkins is a man of high intelligence, this gives rise to the possibility that Dawkins, unable to produce to support his position, decided to rely on the hope that his startlingly vapid arguments would go over the heads of his readers without their feeling the breeze. (If this is true based on the sales of his book his gamble apparently paid off.) pg. 55
"There are those who say that religion only appeals to people who wish to imbue their lives with meaning in the face of allow evidence to the contrary. But whatever the basis for the appeal, religion does indeed give many a sense that we are here for a reason, that life is not an empty, accidental adventure. Indeed for a great many religion is there secure anchoring life, without which they would be as lost as sheep without a shepherd. And we all know that a religious belief in God gives millions of people equanimity and strength to overcome fear of the unknown" pg. 45-46 {Divinity of Doubt Vincent Bugliosi)
Now typically most "new atheists" also claim agnosticism, but Mr. Bugliosi can not see the connection and afford them the title. The trick is to convince people that God can not exist without admitting that this in itself is a statement of faith. By using the title "agnostic" logically one must admit this. But New Atheism does not want to spend anytime meditating on this fact.
Secular humanism is intertwined with communism
"Humanism and Communism are not identical twins, but they are good bedfellows. A comparison of the Communist manifesto and the Humanist manifestos I and II reveals that their aims are almost identical. Communism is humanism in political disguise.
Both deny the supernatural
Both deny Divine Revelation
Both seek to control the education system.
Both seek to destroy all religions except their own.
Both seek the betterment of the human race.
Both promote world government.
Both seek alliance of Apostate Christendom, but when they are through with the whore, they will burn her flesh and burn her with fire." pg. 30 Secular Humanism: The most dangerous Religion in America by Homer Duncan
Marxism is so total that it becomes religious.
"And here we note , particularly since Stalin's control, the increasing approximation to other totalitarian regimes in terms of nationalism, imperialism, and militarism, with a consistent pursuit of power politics and the total disregard of the rights of smaller nations. Thus facism and communism force us to a like conclusion, that autocracy, it avowed aims may be,, is destructive of the highest social values, and that totalitarianism is necessarily in direct conflict with Christianity. As with facism, Russian communism has a certain religious quality; quite consciously, apparently the leaders are furthering ideas and activities which might serve as a substitute for religion. There is a distinct messianic faith, a halfway mystical belief in communism as the bringer of the new earth. There is a call for sacrifice and absolute devotion. There are sacred scriptures which must not be questioned and an authorized interpretation whose acceptance is equally required. It has new processions in place of the old, and Lenin's tomb is here although the miracle working bones of the saints are discarded." Harris Franklin Rall Christianity 130-131 CO. 1940
Marxism in religious terminology and racial terminology
"So I am trying to say two things (1) We have to learn to "think black" theologically. To "think white" is to turn in upon the cartesian self to engage in "naval gazing," The black self over against the white self is the compassionate self ("compatior, ergo sum") It s the corporate self upon which the "I" shares. This is a more adequate corrective (from the Christian perspective) of the cogito, ergo sum than the "I rebel, therefore we exist" (Camus). To "think black" means to be able to think from the perspective of the underdog. We could also suggest "Thinking Indian"- the underdog has many colors in this country and the world over. (2) To think from the perspective of the oppressed, however, is not as yet theologically "Thinking black" ("Thinking Indian") has to be radically tied to the originating event f the Christian faith in order to be theological. In fact ultimately we can "think black" only if we are bound to the originating event. This does not mean leaving reason out of the picture. While the theologian can not be the man "who is led by reason alone" qui sola ducitur), he is a man who is also led by reason, a "black reason" that has been tied to the Incarnation. But reason as an agent here is not primary. It does not control the theological endeavor." Liberation theology Frederick Herzog page 14-15
So the Marxists developed a method for controlling churches by changing their mission from internal spirituality to race.
It can be observed here that Marxists are still being obedient to Nietzsche in the fact that they recognizing a distinction between "Will to truth" and "Will to power".
Some people are going to have a "will to truth" and have inferior religious status but are never-the-less needed to control society. So the Marxist liberation churches are indeed the tools to control that segment of society. In fact whereas they would normally be in opposition to atheism they are now the foot soldiers of such cause.
Now in life we need to have at least some objective morality in order for both public and private survival.
"Modern Science directly implies that the world is organized strictly in accordance with deterministic principles or chance. There are no purposive principles whatsoever in nature. There are no gods and no designing forces that are rationally detectable. The frequently made assertion that modern biology and the assumptions of the Judaeo-Christian tradition are fully compatible is false. Evolutionary Progress (1988) p. 65 †" William Provine
William Provine (b. 1942?) Andrew H. and James S. Tisch Distinguished University Professor of Biology at Cornell University
It is obvious from the blunt Professor that Ethics and purpose are not welcome in his evolutionary worldview.
The problem is that not only has universal ethics been effective for civilizations over several millennia. But that we really have to appeal to morality to even claim that universal morality is somehow wrong.
This is the base of the social justice movement ; a morality that is chaotic and arbitrary typically used as an excuse for force.
In order to address the threat of right vs wrong or good vs evil. we have to appeal to the higher power.